a front page editorial (Sunday June 5), thinly disguised as its lead news
story, The New York Times has unknowingly provided a case study in
envy and ignorance.
The “article”
is titled “Richest Are Leaving Even the Rich Far Behind,” subtitled “Tax
Laws Help to Widen Gap at Very Top.” It breathlessly informs readers that
“The people at the top of America's money pyramid have so prospered in
recent years that they . . . have even left behind people making hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year.” It goes on to bemoan the increase in incomes
of the top one-tenth of one percent of tax payers: “The share of the
nation's income earned by those in this uppermost category has more than
doubled since 1980, to 7.4 percent in 2002. The share of income earned by
the rest of the top 10 percent rose far less, and the share earned by the
bottom 90 percent fell.” In lecture-like fashion, it then instructs its
readers to “Next, examine the net worth of American households,” a statement
which introduces more fuel for envy.
continuation of the piece on page 17, provides almost a half page of
graphics, a main purpose of which is to reinforce its claim that “[u]nder
the Bush tax cuts, the 400 taxpayers with the highest incomes—a minimum of
$87 million in 2000, the last year for which the government will release
such data—now pay income, Medicare and Social Security taxes amounting to
virtually the same percentage of their incomes as people making $50,000 to
$75,000. Those earning more than $10 million a year now pay a lesser share
of their income in these taxes than those making $100,000 to $200,000.”
The “article”
projects that there is something shocking in these figures, along the lines
of extremely wealthy people paying no more in taxes than people of
relatively modest means. It counts on readers to treat percentages as
equivalent to absolute amounts. Perhaps it is wrong to imply that this is a
deliberate deception. It is probably the way the author and the Times’
editorial staff actually think.
In fact, of
course, there is nothing at all surprising in these percentages. This is
because the Social Security tax rate, which has been 15.3 percent on income
from self-employment ceases to apply on incomes above a certain maximum,
which is currently $90,000 per year and was somewhat less in the years to
which the “article” refers.
What accounts for people in the upper brackets paying comparable percentages
of their income overall in federal taxes, despite most of their incomes
being exempt from the Social Security tax, is the far higher rates of
ordinary federal income tax that apply to them, even after all possible
legal deductions and “loopholes.”
Although the
Times makes no mention of it in the text of its alleged article, and
the subtitle over the graphics, “The Wealthiest Benefit More From the Recent
Tax Cuts,” is designed to foster the opposite impression, an attentive
reader, willing to go to the trouble of doing some simple addition based on
numbers supplied along with the graphics, is able to see that the bottom 80
percent of all taxpayers in 2001 paid only 29.5 percent of all federal
taxes, while the top 20 percent of taxpayers paid the remaining 70.5 percent
of all federal taxes and that the top one-tenth of one percent of taxpayers
paid 12 percent of all federal taxes. The Times is upset because
under the Bush tax cuts, in the year 2015 the top one-tenth of one percent
of taxpayers is forecast to pay only 10.8 percent of all federal taxes. As
part of its effort to create the impression that the rich are gaining at the
expense of the poor, the Times chooses to ignore the further
implication of its own data that in 2015 the share of taxes paid by the
bottom 80 percent of taxpayers is actually forecast to decline slightly, to
29 percent. It simply cannot bear that the very rich might actually become
richer still.
This article
is the most recent in a clearly Marxist inspired series of at least ten
articles all under the heading “Class Matters.” Its envious spirit is well
expressed in the title of one of the books its author appears to have
consulted in preparation for writing it, namely,
The Winner-Take-All
Society: Why the Few at the Top Get So Much More Than the Rest of Us.
Times says of its series: “A team of reporters spent more than a year
exploring ways that class—defined as a combination of income, education,
wealth and occupation—influences destiny in a society that likes to think of
itself as a land of unbounded opportunity (p. 16).” It should go without
saying that, apart from the service it renders in the Marxian exploitation
theory, the only thing that can make “class” matter is if class membership
rather than individual merit were the basis for explaining economic success
or failure. Thus no one should be surprised if what the Times tries
to teach him with its series is that it is illusory to think of the United
States (and more broadly the capitalist economic system) as a land of
The specific alleged article in
question turns for support to George Soros, Ted Turner, and Warren Buffet,
three extremely wealthy individuals who are nonetheless apparently willing
to denounce great wealth on occasion. Even Alan Greenspan is quoted as
speaking against “the increasing concentration of incomes.”
Such references are intended to make the article’s editorial message seem
The article,
and the wider series of which it is a part, may very well seem persuasive to
most of its readers. It may very well serve in the obvious political agenda
of the Times, incessantly pursued in its alleged news columns, to
bring about the defeat of any political candidate daring to favor lower
taxes on the hated rich, or practically any reduction in government
interference in the economic system whatever. But this is only because of
the incredible economic ignorance of the Times and most of its
As a leading illustration of this ignorance,
one should consider the fact that the official Times’ bibliography
for the series contains seventeen titles. Not one of them is by Ludwig von
Mises, or any other member of the Austrian school of economics, or by anyone
recognizable as possessing even the faintest glimmer of serious knowledge of
economics. Yet to the Times and most of its readers the list appears
authoritative and no objection of any kind registers to undertaking a series
on economic inequality in total ignorance of the actual economic
significance of economic inequality.
Let us consider that significance. The
extremely high incomes to which the Times objects are overwhelmingly
saved and invested. In this way, they bring about large-scale capital
accumulation. Capital is the foundation both of the demand for labor and the
supply of consumers’ goods. Its continuous accumulation is the foundation of
high and rising real wages and a high and rising standard of living for
The high
incomes themselves, apart from cases of government subsidies and grants of
one or another form of monopoly privilege, such as tariff protection, are
earned on a foundation of positive productive contribution, typically as
high rates of return on capital invested. As such, their foundation is
innovation in the form of the introduction of new and improved products and
methods of production and successful anticipation of changes in the pattern
of consumer demand. (These last are themselves largely the result of new
products and methods of production appearing elsewhere in the economic
system.) High rates of return attract competition, which brings them down.
To continue earning them, fresh innovation is required.
Thus, contrary to the beliefs of The New
York Times and its “reporters,” great business fortunes are in fact the
result of repeated productive innovation and serve to bring those
innovations and much more to the great mass of the public. Great wealth
invested in business signifies precisely a great demand for labor and a
great supply of consumers’ goods. It does not signify the heaping up of a
massive supply of food, or other consumers’ goods, on the plates of fat
capitalists who gorge themselves while the masses starve. But that is how
the ignorant writers and editorialists of The New York Times and the
whole “liberal” “intellectual” establishment see matters.
One can be grateful that there are at least
some politicians who have achieved some measure of understanding that
cutting taxes on the rich is in fact the way to achieve prosperity for all.
What these politicians, such as the current President, and, before him,
President Reagan, unfortunately have failed to understand is that the
benefit of such tax reductions is largely nullified by the failure to reduce
government spending to the same extent.
For example, no overall capital accumulation
is achieved when taxes are cut by X dollars even if .9X is
saved, if government spending continues unchanged and the government now
borrows X dollars instead of taking them away in taxes. All that this
represents is the government taking away X dollars of savings through
its borrowing, while private investors manage to add only .9X dollars
through their additional saving made possible by tax reductions. The key to
capital accumulation here lies in cutting government spending along with
reducing taxes on the rich. Then, indeed, there will be capital accumulation
and all boats will in fact rise in a rising tide of prosperity.
Let no one think even for a moment that my
implied criticism of tax cuts without benefit of government spending cuts
puts me in any way in the camp of those whom I criticize. To the contrary,
it actually greatly widens the gulf between us. This is because the spending
reductions that are necessary are precisely in the massive entitlement
programs that presently consume so much of the government’s budget and which
are so beloved of the Times and all of its ilk.
In addition to government budget deficits,
whether financed by borrowing from the public or by the creation of new and
additional money, what also works to undermine the positive effects of any
pro-capital accumulation, pro-business policies the government might enact
is the imposition of ever more government intervention. The Times and
the rest of the left repeatedly encourage the government to impose such
vague and amorphous criteria as “environmental impact” and “product safety”
with absolutely no consideration of the economic impact of such
measures. Hundreds of billions, trillions, of dollars of costs are imposed
in this way in the mindless expectation that the only effect will be to
achieve a better “environment” or greater “safety,” at no cost to anyone,
except possibly the hated corporations and the rich, who do not matter in
any case. But then, surprise, surprise, since the rise in costs must be met
in some way and cannot come out of the rate of profit to any great extent,
the standard of living of the average wage earner fails to rise or actually
declines. No one sees that what is responsible is the diversion of immense
sums from what would have been higher wages into paying for the costs of the
government’s intervention.
The average
person does not see these things because he has not been taught to do so by
the intellectuals. The intellectuals do not see them because they are
overcome with envy. They cannot tolerate the thought that in a capitalist
society others whom they regard as their intellectual and cultural
inferiors, mere businessmen and capitalists, earn so much more and live so
much better than they do. This is what explains the willful blindness and
dishonesty of the Times’ “article,” its series on “class,” and of so
much of what appears on its pages every day.
This title is listed in the official Times bibliography for
the series. The bibliography is introduced with these words:
“Following is a selection of books that were consulted by reporters
and editors working on this series.”